Tackling youth unemployment: education, mobility and SMEs are crucial.
2013. 06. 19.
“We need a European solution for youth unemployment. Our problem is one of mobility. Here, at EU level, we can and should help to make jobs more accessible by first of all getting rid of barriers within the Single Market. Secondly, many of our youth may need re-training or simply the possibility of gaining work experience away from home. We have the expertise in setting up cross-border vocational training and educational programmes through the Erasmus Programme. Member States should invest more in the right skills for jobs in demand and should introduce reforms in their education systems to make them more cost-effective and competitive”, said Joseph Daul MEP.
Corien Wortmann-Kool added: “Combating youth unemployment is a priority for many Member States now. Therefore they should refer to best practices which other countries have successfully applied. The key is to determine whether concepts such as vocational schooling or dual education and training can be applied within their national systems. Furthermore, the provisional deal achieved last week on the European professional card will bring progress in the recognition of qualifications and skills and enhance the mobility of young people across the EU.”
“The EPP Group supports the European Commission's proposals on the Youth Guarantee, as the implementation of this new instrument is of the utmost importance to fight the alarming levels of youth unemployment. It is crucial to use most of the funds allocated to the Youth Guarantee as soon as it is implemented as the situation is already pressing. The EPP Group also agrees with the Commission that a smooth transition has to be made between education and work and we need to give further support to SMEs”, concluded Csaba Őry MEP.