Report of MEP Lívia Járóka adopted with and overwhelming majority
2013. 10. 16.
The European Parliament's Committee on Gender Equality and Women's Rights voted today on the report on the 'Gender Aspects of the European Framework of National Roma Inclusion Strategies'. EPP Group Rapporteur and Committee Vice-Chair Lívia Járóka reminded that contrary to the Framework's founding documents, the gender aspect was either missing or addressed in an incidental and inconsistent way in national strategies. Roma women are the most vulnerable group in the EU according to Járóka, because due to multiple discrimination, their situation is even worse than that of Roma men, for example considering their exceeding risk of poverty, labour-market inactivity and lower educational level. Moreover, the lingering economic crisis has further deteriorated these figures – especially in terms of their health – and the risk of Roma women's victimisation has also increased.
To remedy these issues, the report calls on Member States and the Commission to strengthen gender mainstreaming, conduct gender impact assessments, and consult women’s organisations and Roma NGOs with regard to national strategies. The document furthermore formulates several specific policy proposals, such as the introduction of a child poverty reduction target, the reintroduction of Barcelona targets on childcare and the development of accessible, affordable and high quality care services for the whole life-cycle. The report also initiates specific measures targeting large families, teenage mothers and early school leaver girls, as well as to recognise the bringing up of children as a period counting towards pension.