For a Europe of values and prosperity, but without lies.
2010. 04. 20.
During the debate, Szájer reiterated the demands of the EPP Group, of which he is Vice-Chairman, that the European Commission give up the practice of issuing only 40 percent of annual legislative acts by October. The EPP Group politician also called on the Commission to exercise its power by not tolerating the misleading conduct and lies of certain countries on the provision of financial information, in order to avoid situations such as those in Hungary and Greece in the future. “The Commission’s actions must be more consequential and louder when it receives false information,” he highlighted.
The MEP asked the Commission to learn the lessons of the Lisbon Strategy’s failure, and to put job creation and support for small and medium sized enterprises at the centre of the EU2020 Strategy. He also pointed out that instead of the meaningless names that evoke the ‘five-year plans’ of the communist era, the various EU programmes must reflect a concrete goal and value even in their titles.
Concluding his speech, MEP Szájer emphasised that the organizing force of Europe is not only common growth, but also the common values that link its nations together. He therefore called attention to such EU values and principles as respect of minority rights, respect of citizens’ personal freedom and respect of the victims of dictatorships.