112: lives can be saved by a barrier-free 112 emergency service
2011. 09. 14.
The initiative was supported by MEPs from four different parliamentary groups. Along with EPP Group MEPs Kósa and Marinescu, 3 more Members joined this cross-party initiative and drafted the document. The Written Declaration calls on the European Commission to put forward legislative and standardising proposals to ensure entirely barrier-free access to the Member States' 112 emergency services. The implementation of the developed service would give priority to sign language and real-time subtitling interpretation with the use of video technology.
The initiative also supports the development of a new generation 112 service that is totally accessible and reliable, independent of telephone sets and service providers and whose operation is based on simultaneous communication.
Recently, MEPs have been more and more frequently showing their commitment in supporting people with disabilities to live an independent life. Mr Kósa underlined that the importance of the initiative is to allow disabled people as well to take the necessary action in case of emergency. "It can easily happen that in an emergency situation there is only a disabled person present to call for help", he pointed out.
Mr Marinescu also emphasised that a 112 emergency service accessible to disabled people should also be available and known by all EU citizens. An efficient Digital Agenda must make saving lives a main priority.